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Sam Sycamore's Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Sam Sycamore, a software engineer, writer, and editor with over ten years of professional experience across multiple industries.

I help SaaS startups and digital agencies clearly communicate the value of their products and services to their target users. I especially enjoy writing educational content for tech products, because I believe that strong documentation is the best marketing you can offer to the developer community.

My specialty as a software engineer is front end web development with React in JavaScript and TypeScript.

I currently work as a technical writer, copywriter, and developer advocate in the tech industry. I also have experience in content marketing and social media management. I'm always happy to consider new clients for writing work. Feel free to get in touch through one of the footer links below if you'd like to work with me.

This portfolio gathers highlights from across my career as a writer. It's built with Docusaurus, my favorite static site generator for creating and maintaining documentation sites. And speaking of frameworks—I'm also a fan of Next.js and Vite.